Stage One Complete!

The new album is recorded, criticised minutely and mastered. The cover design is taking shape and we have nearly managed to agree on the order of tracks (only nearly, mind!). We’re looking into replication and physical and online retail options.

All very exciting, but we are slightly “on hold” at the moment because, in a rerun of what happened in the run-up to releasing “Time Out Of Mind”, two of the band have been stricken with illness. Once again, Sue is Last Man Standing. However, this does give us the breathing space to plan a proper strategy for releasing our magnum opus! Keep watching this space!

Who needs microphones, anyway?

… although it would have been nice to have had them.

Folk At The Boat was interrupted by what we can only describe as a monsoon and, as the stage had been set up outside, there followed a short debate on What To Do Next. The suggestion that Triangle should perform on the stage at one end of the courtyard while their audience huddled in the pub at the other end was greeted with – shall we say – some negativity on the part of the band. The compromise position was that we would perform in the pub (cue a certain amount of furniture removal) but unplugged.

So we did! A full hour’s set with not an electrical device in sight. And (we are told) we were audible throughout the bar. Very, very hard work, and our voices are feeling distinctly fragile now, but huge thanks to the pub, the organisers and the audience!

First draft complete. Now for the live action!

Well, the first (and, in some cases, second) mixes of the album are complete and we’re listening carefully to everything to see what needs doing. However, while you’re waiting, there are opportunities to hear us in person. The first is at Folk at the Boat, at the Steamboat, Ipswich, on Saturday 11th June. Les Barker and Waxies Dargle are the headliners – full details here – and we’re on at 7 pm. Tickets are £10.00 and we can promise you a fantastic day of music.


Six down, nine to go …

“If you’ve done 6 impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the End of the Universe?”

In a feat of concentration which led to the kitchen at Punch Studios being renamed Milliways (it’s a Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy reference) we managed to lay down six tracks for the new album between 10 am and lunchtime – we’d already had breakfast. It will get harder from here on in, but we are really pleased with the progress we’ve made. We’re back at the studio tomorrow, then we get a month to put in some intensive rehearsal on the most recent songs and arrangements before they get recorded.


It’s tomorrow! All this weekend we will be in the studio, cracking on with the album! We’re excited, scared and everything in between. Wish us luck!


A brief update …

Well, that was Christmas … hope you all had a fine one!

Our diaries are rapidly filling with rehearsal, more rehearsal and (for variety) yet more rehearsal. We’ve even got a tentative date for recording, on the grounds that a deadline will keep our noses more firmly to the grindstone. Real Life, of course, keeps trying to intrude, but we are hanging in there and sternly rejecting its blandishments.

If you are interested, we will be recording at Punch Studios in the heart of lovely Ipswich – look ’em up!

The preliminaries begin …

Well, we’ve had a brief taster session in the studio with our new sound engineer and we’ve all decided that we like each other and the studio enough to go ahead with the album. We’ve ironed out (or made plans to iron out) a few of the practical problems which made themselves known … like the fact that Sue spits out consonants as if she was trying to get rid of them, and the fact that, whatever we do, a single music stand will never do for all three of us if we are actually looking at the music on it. And slippers and beer are studio essentials!

Lots of rehearsal now!

An Announcement!

After several false alarms, the band is finally pregnant with The Next Album! Work started in earnest yesterday and a live recording engineer has been located!  There is even a set list!  If all goes well, we expect to deliver in mid-2016.  Now, we are going to do our exercises, take our vitamin supplements, have our afternoon naps and get our friends to start knitting……….

What a marvellous day!

Saturday in leafy Warwickshire, and participating in a terrific little festival with Gerry Colvin, Marion Fleetwood, Red Shoes, Celandine, Fred’s House, Daniel Nestlerode … And … And … Oh, my brain’s gone numb! We were thrilled not only to perform in our own right but also to be three-fifths of the Red Shoes backing singers. As we say, “Instant backing vocals, just add beer!” Can we do it again next year, pretty, pretty please?IMG_0767